You know these boring rainy days when you have nothing to do, you have watched all the films you have thousand times, and the magazines are so reread that you can remember even the photo credits.
So I thought, why don't I post about these tasty and sweet parisian macaroons?
Ladurée and Fauchon sell them, but if there's not a Ladurée near you (which is likely), try cooking them yourself. It is not very difficult, I may say.
It's a good thing to do on a rainy Sunday morning while listeing to Edith Piaf and the Marie Antoinette soundtrack.
Ya conoceréis las típìcas tardes lluviosas de domingo, cuando no tienes nada que hacer, las películas que tienes las has visto más de mil veces y las revistas las has releído tanto que te sabes hasta los créditos de las imágenes.
Así que pensé que sería buena idea postear sobre dulces y esponjosos macaroons.
Se pueden comprar en Ladurée y en Fauchon, pero si no tienes una de estas tiendas en tu barrio (lo que es muy probable), puedes intentar a cocinarlas en tu casa. No es muy difícil, me atrevería a decir.
Es una cosa entretenida para hacer en una tarde aburrida, recomiendo hacerlos mientras escuchas a Edith Piaf y la banda sonora de Marie Antoinette.
Chocolate Macaroons
Macaroon Batter
1 cup (100 gr) powdered sugar
½ cup powdered almonds (about 2 ounces , 50 gr, sliced almonds, pulverized)
3 tablespoons (25 gr) unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder
2 egg whites
5 tablespoons (65 gr) granulated sugar
Chocolate Filling
½ cup (125 ml) heavy cream
2 teaspoons light corn syrup
4 ounces (120 gr) bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, finely chopped
1 tablespoon (15 gr) butter, cut into small pieces
Prune Filling
15 medium prunes (pitted), about 5 ounces (150 gr) prunes
2½ ounces (70 gr) milk chocolate, finely chopped
2 tablespoons Armagnac
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (180 degrees C).
Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and have a pastry bag with a plain tip (about 1/2-inch, 2 cm) ready.
Grind together the powdered sugar with the almond powder and cocoa so there are no lumps; use a blender or food
In the bowl of a standing electric mixer, beat the egg whites until they begin to rise and hold their shape. While whipping, beat in the granulated sugar until very stiff and firm, about 2 minutes.
Carefully fold the dry ingredients, in two batches, into the beaten egg whites with a flexible rubber spatula. When the mixture is just smooth and there are no streaks of egg white, stop folding and scrape the batter into the pastry bag (standing the bag in a tall glass helps if you're alone).
Pipe the batter on the parchment-lined baking sheets in 1-inch (3 cm) circles (about 1 tablespoon each of batter), evenly spaced one-inch (3 cm) apart.
Rap the baking sheet a few times firmly on the countertop to flatten the macaroons, then bake them for 15-18 minutes. Let cool completely then remove from baking sheet.
To make the prune filling:
Cut the prunes into quarters and pour boiling water over them. Cover and let stand until the prunes are soft. Drain.
Squeeze most of the excess water from prunes and pass through a food mill or food processor.
Melt the milk chocolate and the Armagnac in a double boiler or microwave, stirring until smooth. Stir into the prune puree.
Cool completely to room temperature (it will thicken when cool.)
To make the chocolate filling:
Heat the cream in a small saucepan with the corn syrup. When the cream just begins to boil at the edges, remove from heat and add the chopped chocolate. Let sit one minute, then stir until smooth. Stir in the pieces of butter. Let cool completely before using.
Spread a bit of batter on the inside of the macaroons then sandwich them together. (You can pipe the filling it, but I prefer to spread it by hand; it's more fun, I think.)
I also tend to overfill them so you may or may not use all the filling.
Let them stand at least one day before serving, to meld the flavors.
Store in an airtight container for up to 5 days, or freeze. If you freeze them, defrost them in the unopened container, to avoid condensation which will make the macaroons soggy.
Macaroons de Frambuesa
- 180 gr. de almendra molida
- 1,5 tazas de azúcar glasé, unos 160-175 gr.
- 3 claras de huevo grandes = 100-120 gr.
- Una pizca de sal
- 50 gr. de azúcar grano.
- Colorante rosa (rojo)
Relleno - 100 gr. de chocolate negro, derretido
- 75 gr. de nata
- 1 cucharada de mermelada de frambuesa
- 1/8 cucharilla de esencia de frambuesa (opcional)
(1) Mezclar el azúcar glasé con la almendra y un poco de sal hasta que quede bien mezclado.
(2) Levantar las claras a punto de nieve y, casi una vez montadas, ir incorporando el azúcar grano poco a poco. Añadir el colorante rojo.
(3) Vertir las claras sobre la mezcla de las almendras
(4) Con ayuda de una manga pastelera de boca ancha o unas cucharillas, formar galletas y poner sobre una bandeja con papel de hornear. Dejar reposar unos 30 minutos antes de introducir en horno precalentado.
(5) Hornear a 180º durante unos 15-20 minutos. No deben tomar un tono demasiado dorado.
(6) Preparar el relleno.
(7) Poner el chocolate con la nata al baño María hasta que se haya derretido. Añadir la mermelada de frambuesa y la esencia. Mezclar. Dejar enfriar y rellenar las galletas con ayuda de una manga ancho o unas cucharillas.
Receta por LVT
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