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Thursday, November 5, 2009

New style icon: Cassie (Hannah Murray) from "Skins"

skins, hannah murray, cassie

Everybody kept telling me that I had to watch Skins. And finally, I've succumbed to it. It is such an original tv series, and the characters are so unique and extravagant, with their exaggerated personalities. My favourite is Cassie, played by the cute Hannah Murray. Cassie is a girl with anorexia issues who is in love with Sid, who is in love with Michelle.

Cassie's style is brilliant. Extravagant and maybe a little cheesy, but brilliant. It is a version of Blair without the sobriety, but better. White tights with drawings, layers and layers of clothes, embroideries, clothes decorated with diamonds, child-like drawings for prints, golden shoes...


Después de que todo el mundo me insistiera en que viera Skins, por fin me he enganchado. Es una serie súper original y los personajes son todos muy peculiares, cada uno con su personalidad extraña y exagerada. Mi favorita es Cassie (Hannah Murray), una chica muy tímida con problemas de anorexia que está enamorada de Sid, que a su vez está enamorado de Michelle.

El estilo de Cassie es genial. Muy extravagante y un poco cursi, pero genial. Es una versión de Blair quitando la sobriedad, y mejor. Medias blancas con dibujitos, capas y capas de ropa, bordados, incrustaciones de piedrecitas y brillantes, estampados de dibujos infantiles, zapatos dorados...

Screencaps from the series:
skins, hannah murray, cassieskins, hannah murray, cassie
skins, hannah murray, cassie
skins, hannah murray, cassieskins, hannah murray, cassieskins, hannah murray, cassie
skins, hannah murray, cassie
skins, hannah murray, cassieskins, hannah murray, cassie
I need these sunglasses. Does anybody know where are they from?

skins, hannah murray, cassie
skins, hannah murray, cassie
skins, hannah murray, cassie
skins, hannah murray, cassie
skins, hannah murray, cassieskins, hannah murray, cassie
skins, hannah murray, cassie
skins, hannah murray, cassie

Hannah Murray in the magazines:

skins, hannah murray, cassieskins, hannah murray, cassie
skins, hannah murray, cassie
full issue here

skins, hannah murray, cassie skins, hannah murray, cassie
skins, hannah murray, cassie
skins, hannah murray, cassie
skins, hannah murray, cassie

VOGUE UK November 2008
skins, hannah murray, cassie
skins, hannah murray, cassie

skins, hannah murray, cassie
here she is with Nicholas Hoult, who plays Tony in the series. He's the boy from "About a boy". It is amazing how much he's changed in seven years.

skins, hannah murray, cassie
vogue uk scanned by chanelnumber5 and from

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