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Friday, February 29, 2008

No Ali in Paris

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Can you believe it? One of the best newbie models has just been sent home from the Paris Fashion Week for gaining just five pounds. Yes, Ali Michaels.
I mean, that's crazy. She was looking so much better, and healthier, was it really necessary?
First, they ban models very skinny, and then the agencies take the models out from the shows because of eating slightly more? I am so mad at it that I think they are just stupid.

I know that it is their job to stay thin to fit into the clothes, but this is too much. I know personally some people that are really skinny, way too very skinny, but they are not anorexic, I assure it, it is just their body. Now it is normal to hear when there's someone very think: "Oh, she's anorexic".

I've seen one of my friends how much she eats and how skinny she is. She's very tall too, and that's reasonable because tall people tend to be skinny.
When I was six years old I was so skinny that I had to stay in the hospital for two weeks. But I didn't have an eating disorder, I just didn't like food. There aren't many cases of serious eating disorders at early ages. I don't know how many times someone has told me: "You have the appetite of a bird". I could eat tons of cheetos, spaguetti, you know, what a kid usually likes. But when I look at the pictures of me when I was six, I realise how skinny I was. So from eating hypercaloric food and peas (yes, they are rich in carbohydrates, at least that's the nutritionist said, that I had to eat pea soup several times a week, unlucky me that was the food I least liked) I gained weight. Now I am still skinny, but not too much. And I love food now.

Rachel Clark
(a great model) wrote about the eating habits of the models: In fashion week, they usually eat less, as they don't have much free time and they only eat fast food for lunch and fruit they serve on backstage. After the shows they usually gain weight as they are on holiday.

I'm not here to judge them, everyone is different, but agencies need more common sense and less money sense.

¿Os lo podéis creer? La agencia de Ali Stephens, una de las mejores nuevas modelos, la ha enviado a casa por haber subido 2,27 kilos, así que se ha quedado sin desfiles de París.
Me ha parecido una locura. Tenía mucho mejor aspecto, incluso más saludable, ¿realmente era necesario?

Primero no dejan desfilar a las modelos demasiado delgadas, y ahora las agencias las expulsan de las pasarelas pesar ligeramente más. Me ha enfadado tanto que creo que la única respuesta es que no tienen más de dos dedos de frente.
Ya sé que el trabajo de las modelos es estar guapas y delgadas para caber en los vestidos y que a pesar de las capas de tela no estén ridículas, pero esto ya es demasiado.

Yo conozco personalmente a mucha gente que está delgada por naturaleza, incluso demasiado delgada y no son anoréxicas. La tendencia ahora es decir que cuando una persona está muy delgada es que "hala, es anoréxica", y es totalmente erróneo. Una de mis amigas está delgadísima, pero come muchísimo. Es muy alta, así que es normal que sea delgada, la gente muy alta suele serlo en general.
Cuando yo tenía seis años estaba tan delgada que estuve en el hospital durante dos semanas para ganar peso. Pero no porque tuviera un desorden alimenticio, realmente a esa edad no se da ningún caso, lo que me pasaba era simplemente que no me gustaba comer, tenía el apetito de un pajarito. Lo único era que comía lo que me gustaba, o sea cheetos, espaguetis... lo típico que le gusta a un niño pequeño. Así que a base de batidos hipercalóricos y de comer comida que engordase (¿sabías que los guisantes es una de las cosas que más engordan? Y lo que menos me gustaba, aunque lo tuve que aguantar porque la nutricionista me dijo que tenía que comer crema de guisantes varias veces a la semana), gané peso. Ahora cuando miro fotos mías con seis años me asusta lo delgada que estaba. Aún estoy delgada, pero no tanto.

Rachel Clark (una modelo muy buena, está en la campaña cruise de Louis Vuitton) escribió en su blog sobre los hábitos alimenticios de las modelos. Normalmente, en las semanas de la moda suelen comer menos porque apenas tienen tiempo libre, y comen comida rápida y la fruta que sirven en el backstage. Después de la temporada de desfiles suelen ganar peso porque se despreocupan de ello durante las vacaciones (las vacaciones de las modelos son después de las semanas de la moda).
No voy a juzgar a nadie, pero realmente las agencias de modelos necesitan más sentido común y menos sentido monetario.

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I found this picture of F.O that scared me. You can see Ali looking beautiful, and Lily Donaldson's back, something very similar to an skeleton.

Very skinny models
Modelos muy delgadas
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Snejana Onopka

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Nataliya Gotsii

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Chanel Iman

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Edie + Dirrty Glam

Plus: have a look at the new issue of Dirrty Glam
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I love this editorial

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Karl Lagerfeld F/W 08/09

A new way of catwaling?
Be careful because if you fall your face will end up right on the floor!
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Loving these skirts
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I say rock, I see Ray Ban Aviators

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This spring/summer my inspirations will be from Edie Sedgwick to Hippie Hippie Shake, I will wear flowers, sandals, aviators, mini skirts, feathers...
As it is still february and I have to wear long-sleeves under the t-shirts, I must wait while looking at great editorials and movies. Well, at least I can wear my leather jacket everyday!
Hope you like this one, because I love it. They are like the next generation of the Almost Famous crew.

Una Storia Rock
Flair April 2005
with Fanni Boström, Ryan Curry, Steve Morgan, Harry Kinkead
by Patric Shaw

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More Yves Saint Laurent Spring/Summer 08 ads...
It is like Kate is waiting impatiently for the shop to open :)
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Making of the campaign (video)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

No-rules Britannia!

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I was feeling brittish today so I decided to post these two things I love:

This editorial:
No-rules Britannia!
Vogue UK May 2006

by Mario Testino with Jacquetta Wheeler, Lily Cole, Stella Tennant, Lily Donaldson and Karen Elson It is clear that in 2006 there wasn't this agyness-boom, because I bet she would have been in these pics, next to these great brittish models.
I love love love this editorial because it so artsy and elegant, yet odd (that wooden skirt is so beautiful but totally unwearable!). Lily Cole looks like sweetcotton, and Stella reminded me of Marie Antoinette.

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from hfgl

More than fashion shows, Vivienne makes art shows.

brushes from here

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