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Monday, March 10, 2008

There's a turtle in my Jimmy Choos!

One of my favourite films is Amelie. Or "Le Fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain". I love it because the story is so inspiring and true, sad and happy at the same time. The script is a master piece and the colour scheme is totally creative and unique.
And one of my favourite parts is the one with the garden gnome. The thing is that Amelie's mother has just died and the father can't recover from the loose, so he centers all his life into gardening, although her daughter keep telling him that he needs to travel and get to know other places. So she "kidnaps" the gnome and gives it to a friend who is an air hostess, and whichever new country she visits, she takes a photo of the gnome and sends a postcard to the father saying that it's the gnome himself who is travelling and writing the postcards. I won't tell you the end because I hate to know the end of the stories, so if you want to know, you'd better watch the film! :)

Well, I was telling you that because I found these cute backstage pics with models holding a paper turtle and they reminded me of the gnome. It seems that they have carried it to all the fashion weeks.
The Travelling Turtle
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