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Saturday, June 14, 2008

The photographer with the most expensive editorials... (I think)

Gemma Ward
image: Sonny Vandevelde

Guess the photographer that has used all these things for his editorials and advertisements:

More than 10 matresses, more than 20 white rabbits, more than 10 looking glasses with the shape of flamingos, giant lollipops, giant butterflies, a pink horse, giant bows, a giant pearl necklace, a giant photo camera, giant ostrich eggs, a 1,80 m hook, a car they had to buy for the editorial, a giant apple, a piano, a giant leather glove, a giant shirt...

An invite for TFS to the ones who can say the name of the photographer! (If you don't leave your email in the comment I won't be able to send you the invite)

¿Qué fotógrafo ha usado todo esto para sus editoriales?
Más de 10 colchones, más de 20 conejos blancos, más de 10 espejos con forma de flamencos, piruletas gigantes, mariposas gigantes, un caballo rosa, lazos gigantes, un collar de perlas gigante, una cámara de fotos gigante, huevos de avestruz gigantes, un anzuelo de más de 1 metro de alto, un coche que tuvieron que comprar para la editorial, una manzana gigante, un guante de piel gigante, una camisa gigante...

Enviaré una invitación para TFS a todos aquellos que lo adivinen... (Si no dejas tu email en el comentario no podré enviarte la invitación)

Note: That picture has nothing to do with the photographer, I just thought it was cute.
La foto no tiene nada que ver con el fotógrafo, es que me gustaba.


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