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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The red dress dilemma

Christmas is near, and I need a dress. But not any dress, it must follow these rules:

1. Must be red (99% of the dresses I have are black)
2. Must be original

I found this beautiful dress at Zara, and it's 90€. I don't know if buying a dress that I will probably see a lot of people wearing is worth it. I've fallen in love with it and I need to give it a thought. I need your opinion.

Should I buy it?

Friday, November 26, 2010

Round glasses, current obsession

Round glasses are one of the most difficult accesories to wear. They don't look good on every shape, they can make you look like a hippie or a clown. If you are one of the few lucky people that can pull off these fabulous glasses, go ahead! :)

This kind of shape adds a lot of personality to an outfit. They are risky, and original. Here you have some examples. What do you think? Yay or nay? I love them, but I'm not brave enough to buy a pair yet...

Las gafas redondas son uno de los complementos más difíciles de llevar. No sientan bien a todos, y sin querer se puede parecer un hippie o un payaso. Si eres una de las pocas personas a las que les quedan bien estas gafas tan geniales, ¡adelante!

Este tipo de silueta dan mucha personalidad a un outfit. Son arriesgadas, y originales. Os propongo aquí varios ejemplos. ¿Qué opináis? ¿Sí o no? Personalmente, me encantan, pero aún no me atrevo a comprarme unas...

Special mention: Yasmin Sewell



My favourites:


Ray Ban




Polo Ralph Lauren

Ralph Lauren

Ralph Lauren

Ralph Lauren

Ray Ban

Images by: The Sartorialist, Café Mode, Garance Dore, Stylesightings, Jak and Jil, and more

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Loving... Orla Kiely

The style of Michelle Williams + Alexa Chung + Zooey Deschanel + Hitchcock + Audrey Hepburn= Orla Kiely

orla kiely
Orla Kiely is one of Alexa's favourite labels

orla kiely
orla kiely
orla kiely
orla kiely

Sorteo Lanvin X H&M Pintalabios: Ganadoras


Las ganadoras son:
1. Filipa_soa***@****.com
2. uncortotres*****@***.com
3. nubelo**@***.com
4. gasteizko_ne***@***.com
5. maisap*@***.com
6. silvitta***@***.com
7. styleonthestreet@***.com
8. irenegirona****@***.com
9. veresa**@***.com
10. malguac***@***.com

Me han encantado vuestras respuestas, ¡había algunas geniales! Sobretodo la de Lux, que pedía una colaboración de Zara para H&M... Habrá que hablar con Amancio.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Chanel Spring/Summer 2011 Presentation: My favourites


As every season, here you have the pictures of the Chanel presentation in Madrid. This time, the collection was Spring/Summer 2011 (the one with the giant lion). By the way, there was a lion because Gabrielle Chanel was a Leo.
I took pictures of many details, such as the tiny insects decorating the handbags and bracelets, the lions on the shoes, the leaf-necklace...

They had made this wall in which you could have your picture taken and it looked like you were a front rower at Chanel ;)

I love the "undone" detail of the jeans! It's a very easi DIY

chanel chanel

The handbags

Those flats are dreamy...

The chains looked like they had been burnt.

chanel chanel
Petanque is demodé, now we have to play crocket, according to Karl.

all photographs by me

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lanvin x H&M Giveaway: The lipstick

/// Giveaway for Spain residents///

Como seguro ya sabréis, el 23 de Noviembre se pone a la venta la colección de Alber Elbaz (Lanvin) para H&M. Será difícil hacerse con las prendas, pero si tenéis suerte, podéis ganar uno de los 10 pintalabios de Lanvin x H&M que sorteo. Sólo tenéis que dejar un comentario diciendo cuál sería vuestra colaboración soñada para H&M. La mía, sería una minicolección con los Greatest Hits de Miuccia Prada.

Cómo participar:
- Deja un comentario en esta entrada diciendo cuál sería vuestra colaboración soñada para H&M. Añade tu email. (SIN EMAIL, EL COMENTARIO NO SERÁ VÁLIDO)
- Recuerda, el sorteo sólo es válido para residentes de España.
- Tenéis hasta el día 23 de Noviembre a las 11:59 AM. Los ganadores se anunciarán ese mismo día.
- ¡Suerte!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wingardium Leviosa! The wizard glasses

Oliver Peoples

I'll be watching the new Harry Potter film (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I) tomorrow. I don't know if it's going to be a good movie, but it's become a tradition. I HAVE to watch it, and that's all.

The Harry Potter books are one of my favourites, and I think I've already talked about that (there's a post about "The Erised Mirror", and my guesses for the Deathly Hallows book -all wrong, by the way-).

Today I'm showing you some glasses categorized as "the wizard glasses". Now you just need a scar on the forehead, two brave and loyal friends, a wand, a death enemy, and of course, magic powers.



Polo Ralph Lauren

Polo Ralph Lauren

Polo Ralph Lauren

Oliver Peoples

Paul Smith

Paul Smith