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Friday, January 29, 2010

080 Barcelona Fashion: Backstage

080 barcelona

I was at 080 Barcelona Fashion for two days and it's been amazing. I met (again) great people like Ariadna, Laia, Judit García-Talavera, Mer, Ana, Tamara, Francesca, Mayka, Tatel, Fernando... fashion weeks are much funnier with people like them! :)

The organization was incredibly good, I stayed at a really cool hotel (I'll tell you more about it soon), and the place where the shows took place was very well put-together.

I spotted Betty (from Le Blog de Betty), Gerard Estadella, some say Alix (from The Cherry Blossom Girl) was there too...

Betty from Le blog de Betty. She looks like Zooey Deschanel in that pic.

I took a lot of pictures, so I'll make several posts. Today I want to talk about the thing I like the most... the backstage!

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Marina Pérez

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Models and their mobiles...
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Love that Prada bag!

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Amazing braids for Stefanía Borrás show

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Oh, Maike Lüdenbach is recording a video!

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Hello Godeliv!

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Lizzy Jagger? Yes, she was there! Pics soon :)
all photos by me

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