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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Don't be an extra in your own life, be the main star

Remember that I said I didn't like when they imitated classic movies for the editorials of the magazines? Well, here you have the exception.

These photos by Miranda July and Roe Ethridge (for Vice magazine) have been inspired by the movies... but not the stars, the extras! Those necessary people that contribute with their presence on the films and those that we don't remember seeing. Isn't it a brilliant idea? I love it.


¿Recordáis que dije que estaba cansada de que las revistas imitaran las películas clásicas en las editoriales? Bueno, pues aquí está la excepción.

Estas fotos hechas por Miranda July y Roe Ethridge (para la revista Vice) están inspiradas en las películas... pero no en sus protagonistas, sino en los extras! Esa gente que contribuye con su presencia en las escenas, y los que no recordamos nunca haberlos visto. ¿No es una idea genial? Me encanta.

Kramer vs. Kramer, one of my favourite films.

I love that scene in Grèase, hahah.


Up to date

Today, instead of making a new post, I'm taking some time off to answer emails, questions, interviews, comments and everything. Tomorrow you'll find a new post :)

Here you have a funny joke by Groucho Marx:
Someone: “The garbage men are here”
Groucho: “Tell them we don’t want any”.


Hoy en vez de postear estoy respondiendo emails, preguntas, entrevistas, comentarios y todo. Mañana os encontraréis un post nuevo :)

Os dejo con un chiste. En la traducción a español pierde la gracia.
“The garbage men are here”
Groucho Marx:
“Tell them we don’t want any”.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Design makes the world a better place (or prettier at least)

Here you have a compilation of the latest images I've found. I love them, because I enjoy seeing new ways to create different and original things. Even if it's for advertising purposes, adverts can be pretty too. I like the ads on the magazines, when they are beautiful, of course.

What a weird feeling of vertigo!

Brilliant :D (from stylesightings I think)

A interpretation of the Chanel logo.

The same background used for Winnie the Pooh and The Jungle Book. By Disney.

Captain Jack Sparrow's business card. I love it, haha. From ffffound.

Funny :)

Totally true!


The bubble says: "Where is the mind when the body is here?" The drawing is striking.

most of these images are from ffffound.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The things I'm tired of seeing in the magazines

Jeisa Chiminazzo. One of those models that doesn't work as much as they used to. It was one of my favourites.

Things I'm tired of seeing in the magazines:

- Editorials where the styling and the models imitate Marilyn Monroe/Twiggy/Madonna/Classic movies. Have they run out of ideas? There are infinite ways to make an editorial without copying past styles.

- Articles about the favourite beauty products of the celebrities. Which is obviously fake, as they have contracts with major beauty brands and they couldn't say the real products they use.

- Editorials featuring models/celebrities with no make-up and no photoshop retouching, and then, on the next pages, the rest of editorials with photoshopped photos.

- The charity work of Angelina Jolie. It is great that she uses her money and her influence to make the world a better place, but I don't like reading about it every month.

- Articles featuring luxury hotels of the Caribbean. I don't really understand why they always make articles about them. Do people really go to those places? Is it necessary to write about them on every issue?

- Editorials with no styling, that is, the model wears the outfit as it appeared on the runway.

- Articles recommending the motorbike leather jacket as the trend of the season. Really? They do it almost every season, in every issue. That, and the trench coat.

- "Eco-friendly" themed articles.

- The best clinics for botox, surgery, etc.

- Interviews to politicians.

- Silly headlines such as "Norma Jean" for an article on denim.

- The horoscope. Does anyone read it anymore?

- Articles translated from the international editions of the magazines, but months later.

Which are the things you wish stopped appearing in the magazines?

Cosas que ya estoy cansada de ver en las revistas:

- Editoriales en las que imitan el estilo de Marilyn Monroe/Twiggy/Madonna/Películas antiguas. ¿Se les han acabado las ideas? Hay infinitas maneras de hacer una buena editorial sin copiar cosas ya hechas.

- Artículos sobre los productos de belleza favoritos de las celebrities. Obviamente no son verdad ya que tienen contratos millonarios con marcas de belleza y de ninguna manera dirían los productos que realmente usan.

- Editoriales con las modelos sin maquillar y sin photoshop, y luego, todo el resto de editoriales con modelos con maquillaje y photoshop.

- El trabajo solidario de Angelina Jolie. Me parece realmente genial que aproveche su fama y su dinero para ayudar a los demás, pero no necesito leer sobre ello cada mes.

- Recomendaciones de hoteles paradisíacos del Caribe. No entiendo por qué siempre escriben reportajes sobre sitios paradisíacos a miles de kilómetros. ¿Realmente va la gente a esos sitios? ¿Hace falta escribir sobre ello cada mes? Me parecería bien que lo hicieran de vez en cuando, pero ya se pasan.

- Editoriales sin estilismos. Es decir, cuando la modelo lleva el conjunto tal y como apareció en la pasarela.

- La cazadora de cuero motera como prenda de la temporada. ¿En serio? No lo sabía. Casi prácticamente la recomiendan como prenda estrella en cada número. Eso, y el abrigo estilo trench.

- Artículos "eco-friendly". No puedo volver a oír esa expresión.

- Reportajes sobre las mejores clínicas de cirugía estética.

- Juegos de palabras que repiten una y otra vez. Tipo "Norma Jean" de titular en un artículo sobre los pantalones vaqueros.

- Entrevistas a políticos/ministras.

- El horóscopo. ¿Todavía hay gente que lo lee?

- Y lo peor de todo: Artículos o editoriales de las ediciones extranjeras de otras revistas, traducidos, pero con meses de retraso.

¿Qué es lo que ya no podéis ver más en las revistas?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

That french women dress better is not a cliché, it's a fact

When I went to Paris last summer I was surprised when I saw that almost every woman was stylish.

I thought it was one of those clichés we always hear. It seems that they are born with a sixth sense for detecting the shapes and colors that best fit them. It is not that they buy the most expensive clothes, or that they dress very elegant. It is just that they know what looks good on them and what doesn't.


Cuando estuve en París la semana pasada me sorprendió muchísimo lo bien que vestían las francesas. Creía que era el típico cliché que tanto se escucha, y luego, cuando lo ves con tus propios ojos, no es para tanto.

Parece que nacen con un sexto sentido para detectar las formas y los colores que más les favorecen. No es que se compren ropa cara o que vistan muy elegante. Simplemente saben lo que les queda bien y lo que no.

These photos are shot in New York, but they reminded me of the style I saw in Paris.

images scanned by me from Elle Spain Nov 09

By the way, thanks for your kind comments on the Life Backstage video! :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Life Backstage: Models and designers tell the truth. The Video

During Madrid Fashion Week my friend María (from The Garment District) and I made a video with models, designers and make-up artists interviews. We saw them everyday at backstage and we knew that they would be perfect for a friendly interview. It was very fun because we chose interesting questions and the models were very honest with their answers, you'll see. So if you want to know what's Daiane Conterato's favourite film, what does Marina Pérez have on her I-Pod, what's the most strange thing that has happened on the runway to Clara Alonso, what would Adrian Wlodarski (Prada model) take to a desert island with him and many more things, you know, just watch the video.

The video includes interviews shot at Madrid Fashion Week featuring Marina Pérez, Daiane Conterato, Danny Beauchamp, Marina Jamieson, Clara Alonso, Carla Crombie, Carlos Díez, Maike Lüdenbach, Iris Strubegger, Anna Tunhav, Arantxa Santamaría, Adrian Wlodarski and make-up artists.


Durante Madrid Fashion Week mi amiga María (del Distrito Garment) y yo estuvimos haciendo entrevistas en vídeo a las modelos, los modelos, diseñadores, maquilladores... que nos cruzábamos cada dos por tres en el backstage. Era muy divertido porque las preguntas que elegimos hacer son muy curiosas y los entrevistados fueron muy sinceros en sus respuestas, como podréis ver. Así que si queréis saber cuál es la película favorita de Daiane Conterato, qué tiene Marina Pérez en su I-Pod, qué es lo más raro que le ha pasado en la pasarela a Clara Alonso, qué se llevaría a una isla Adrian Wlodarski (modelo de Prada) y muchísimas otras cosas, ya sabéis, ved el video.

Los entrevistados: Marina Pérez, Daiane Conterato, Danny Beauchamp, Marina Jamieson, Clara Alonso, Carla Crombie, Carlos Díez, Maike Lüdenbach, Iris Strubegger, Anna Tunhav, Arantxa Santamaría, Adrian Wlodarski y dos maquilladores.

Daria Supernova

daria werbowy

Daria Werbowy and Gemma Ward used to be my favourite models. I wish Gemma still modelled, she was amazing.

No pain, no gain
Vogue USA March 2004
Daria Werbowy by Helmut Newton
daria werbowy
daria werbowy
daria werbowy


Flare Canada March 2006
Daria Werbowy by Max Abadian
daria werbowy
daria werbowy
daria werbowy
daria werbowy
daria werbowy

Sunday, October 25, 2009

17 years later, good things don't change: Vogue Italia 1992 and Vogue Paris 2009

Vogue Italia 1992
vogue italia

Vogue Paris March 2009
Iris Strubegger by Mert & Marcus
iris strubegger, chanel, vogue, vogue paris

The styling is almost the same, the background is grey and they even hired a similar model...

Friday, October 23, 2009

True Women: Leigh Lezark (Part III)

leigh lezark, the misshapes

This is the third and last part of Leigh Lezark's True Women series.

leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes
I love her expression here, hahah, she doesn't look like her.

leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes
leigh lezark, the misshapes

images from:,, stylesightings,, celebritycity,, celebutopia,, dirtydirtydancing .