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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Happy birthday Marina Pérez!

marina perez
I chose this photo because she's smiling. Marina, we want to see your smile more often! It is so beautiful! /// He elegido esta foto porque está sonriendo. Marina, porfa, queremos ver tu maravillosa sonrisa más a menudo! :)

Today is Marina's birthday... everybody wish Marina happy birthday!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We haven't forgotten you, Sienna

sienna miller

A couple of years ago everyone seemed crazy about Sienna. I was crazy about Sienna. Every outfit she wore was absolutely new and genius, she was an authentic style icon. She even launched a fashion line with her sister Savannah (which is one of the few celebrity collections that are actually good).

But then, it kind of "disappeared". I don't know if it just me, but her style "slowed down". Anyway, I still love her because she has that unique special touch.

sienna miller
sienna miller
sienna miller
scanned by me from Elle Spain

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The walls of my room

I decorated my closet with images from a notebook that had ¡-D prints on it. I love the result /// Hace unos días decoré mi armario con unas fotos que venían en una agenda de ¡-D, me encanta cómo ha quedado.

Inside the closet /// El interior del armario

Summer's reading /// El libro para este verano

A poster that I bought in London /// Un póster que me compré en Londres

One of my favourite necklaces /// Uno de mis collares favoritos

A page from Marie Claire /// Una página de Marie Claire

My favourite Gucci campaign ever /// Mi campaña de Gucci favorita.

More magazine pages that ended up on the wall /// Más páginas de revistas que han acabado en la pared.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Recent buys

I love when I go shopping and I discover the nicest items in the most unexpected places, when I have to search every corner of the shop knowing that there is something worth there.


Me encanta ir de compras y encontrar cosas realmente guays en los sitios más insospechados, como cuando un perchero en particular te llama la atención sin saber por qué y justo ahí está la camiseta perfecta.

Blanco Men, 17€

Blanco, 14,99 €


Zara, 25€ more or less


Blanco, 3,99 €

Oh, and check Jana's blog, where I've been featured. Thanks Jana! :)
Pasaos por el blog de
Jana, he sido seleccionada como una de las!

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Virgin Suicides - My favourite quote

"We knew the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love, and even death, and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them".

Thursday, July 23, 2009

True Women: Kate Bosworth (III)

kate bosworth kate bosworth
kate bosworth
kate bosworth
kate bosworth
kate bosworth
kate bosworth
kate bosworth
kate bosworth
kate bosworth
kate bosworth
kate bosworth
all images from here

True Women: Kate Bosworth: (I)
True Women: Kate Bosworth (II)
Stay tuned for True Women: Kate Bosworth Part IV!

Also check:
True Women: Kirsten Dunst

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The beautiful fall - has anyone read it?

I'm thinking about buying this book, has anyone read it? Do you recommend it?

Estaba pensando comprarme este libro, ¿alguien lo ha leído? ¿lo recomendáis?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Miss at la Playa + POP

the pop, pop, miss at la playa

Today it seems that every magazine must have its own website to update its contents. The new POP (that will sell its first "new" issue in september) has now its own site too, The, with interesting interviews and of course, bloggers, what would they do without them. When Jak&Jil partnered with them, I thought: "wow, this looks really promising". Some days later, POP emailed me saying that they wanted me to take part of the project too. An offer I couldn't refuse. From now on, you can follow me at too . I bold the too because this blog will remain the same, I'll keep publishing new posts every day.


Hoy parece que toda revista debe tener una buena página web donde completar sus contenidos. Y la nueva POP (que sale en septiembre) no iba a ser menos. Desde hace unos meses, The está en el aire con muy buenas entrevistas, y por supuesto, los bloggers, qué iban a hacer sin ellos. Cuando Jak&Jil se unió, pensé que el proyecto de la nueva POP (que ha pasado a ser bianual) tenía pero que muy buena pinta. Y al poco tiempo, contactaron conmigo para que me uniera como partner a The Una oferta que no podía rechazar. A partir de hoy también podréis leerme en (subrayo el también porque este blog va a seguir como siempre, don't worry)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Maybelline Mascara goes to...

The winners are:

Little Mess

Congrats to them! I'll email you tomorrow :) And thank you so much to everyone that participated. Nobody said the same song! It is incredible.
I'll do more giveaways soon, so you don't give up! :)


Enhorabuena! Os enviaré un email mañana para saber vuestras direcciones. Muchas gracias a todos los que participasteis. De entre los 140 comentarios, nadie dijo la misma canción, ¿no os parece increíble?
Haré más sorteos pronto, así que puede que tengáis suerte la próxima vez :)

Friday, July 17, 2009

True Women: Kate Bosworth (II)

kate bosworth
kate bosworth
kate bosworth
kate bosworth
kate bosworth
kate bosworth
kate bosworth
kate bosworth
kate bosworth
kate bosworth
kate bosworth
kate bosworth
all images from here

Stay tuned for True Women: Kate Bosworth Part III!

Also check:
True Women: Kirsten Dunst