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Friday, May 8, 2009

Nobody does it better than Elle UK - Blue sky thinking

Reading Elle UK is a pleasure
. I flip slowly through every page, admiring every picture, every witty comment they add, every recommendation, every look, every outfit... then I leave it on my table and a couple of days later I read it again. It is a magazine full of ideas, with a great taste and elegancy. You won't see a vulgar celebrity that seeks attention by any way, you will find real people who really deserve to appear in a magazine. More than a magazine, it is a book.


Leer Elle UK es un placer. Voy pasando las páginas lentamente, admirando cada foto, cada comentario que anotan, cada recomendación, cada look, cada consejo... luego la dejo en mi mesa y cuando pasan un par de días la vuelvo a leer. Es una revista llena de ideas, con muchísimo gusto y elegancia. No verás a una celebrity vulgar que busca llenar portadas, sino gente que realmente se merece aparecer en una revista. Más que una revista, podría ser un libro.

Blue sky thinking
(a great title for a summer editorial!)
Elle June 2009
with Noot Sear by John Balsom

scanned by me from Elle UK

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