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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kiefer Sutherland headbutts Jack McCollough

Yeah, it's not a joke. In the Costume Institute Gala afterparty, Kiefer Sutherland (also known as Jack Bauer from 24) headbutted Jack McCollough, from Proenza Schouler, and almost broke his nose. It seems that McCollough pushed Brooke Shields, Kiefer saw it and asked him to apologize to her. McCollough refused to do so and he was head butted by Kiefer. Kirsten Dunst and Mary Kate Olsen saw everything.

We still don't know why Kiefer came to rescue Brooke. Maybe it was a supersecret CTU mission that had to be accomplished that night, and the Proenza designer were on Jack's way, avoiding him to deactivate a bomb before Sihad Ali found out where his daughter has hidden and cut off the prison's light so his son could escape and initiated the second part of the plan to kill the President, who was in his LA's offices listening to his wife, who was trying to convince him that she could help him.

Jack McCollough, on the right

Maybe Kiefer missed his days as Jack Bauer and needed a fight. It's said that Kiefer is very violent and that he tends to drink too much alcohol, and that jack McCollough is quite arrogant. I don't know who is right here. I think I'm with Kiefer.

The case is being investigated by the police, and Brooke is being interviewed by the police today after saying that there wasn't anything wrong with Jack McCollough and that Kiefer's reaction wasn't necessary.
(source) (image)

Sí, como lo lees. En la afterparty del Costume Institute Gala, Kiefer Sutherland (más conocido como Jack Bauer, de la serie 24) casi le rompió la nariz de un cabezazo a Jack McCollough, diseñador de Proenza Schouler. Parece ser que Jack McCollough le había dado un empujón a Brooke Shields y no le quiso pedir disculpas, así que Kiefer fue y le dijo que le pidiera perdón, a lo que se negó y empujó a Kiefer, y éste le dio el cabezazo. Kirsten Dunst y Mary Kate Olsen lo vieron todo.

Aún no sabemos la razón de que Kiefer saliera al rescate de Brooke. Quizás fuera una misión ultrasecreta de la UAT que debía llevarse a cabo esa misma noche, y los diseñadores de Proenza se interponían entre Bauer y la bomba que debía ser desactivada antes de que Sihad Alí encontrase dónde estaba escondida su hija y cortase la luz de la prisión para que su hijo escapara y comenzase la segunda parte del plan para matar al presidente, el cual estaba en sus oficinas de Los Ángeles mientras su ex-mujer Cherie le convencía de que sabía cómo sacarle de todo el lío.

O quizás fuera porque simplemente Kiefer echaba de menos una buena pelea digna de sus días como Jack Bauer. Dicen que Kiefer es bastante violento y que suele beber demasiado, y que Jack McCollough es un arrogante, así que no se de qué parte ponerme. Creo que de parte de Kiefer.

Todo esto ha acabado con que la policía está investigando el caso, hoy Brooke va a ser interrogada por la policía, después de haber dicho que no era necesario que Kiefer actuara de esa manera.

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