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Monday, December 29, 2008

The Best Moments of 2008


Which was the most important event in 2008 for you? I'm sure I''ve forgotten something...

¿Qué os parece que ha sido lo más importante del 2008? Seguro que me he olvidado de algo...

Friday, December 26, 2008

The cinema is my home

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I just saw Australia today. It is SO good. I love that theatrical feeling Baz Luhrmann (the director) expresses in all his films. Who doesn't remember Moulin Rouge's fast-motion dancers? Or the moment when Romeo's eyes meet Juliette's? There were moments on the film were it was evident that the boats, or the harbor wasn't real, they were on a set, but if the story was good, and the actors were good, who really cares?

It had been ages since I last had seen a good movie on the cinema. I went to see Wanted some months ago and it was so bad. I wanted to watch it because I love James McAvoy. I also watched Quantum of Solace and I enjoyed it, but it wasn't a very good film. But well, the costumes... Oh My! Tom Ford designed them, he is a genius. Daniel Craig seemed to have been born wearing them. They suited him like a glove. I must admit Tom Ford's the most elegant designer I've ever seen. Maybe I don't like his behaviour, but he's not a joke of himself like the rest of designers (not all of them, of course).


Hoy he visto Australia en el cine. Es MUY buena. Me encanta ese toque teatral que tienen todas las películas de Baz Lurhmann (el director). ¿Quién no recuerda las bailarinas a cámara rápida de Moulin Rouge? ¿O el momento en el que los ojos de Romeo se cruzan con los de Julieta? Había ratos en la película de Australia que se notaba que eran decorados. Pero bueno, si la historia es buena, y los actores también, ¿a quién le importa?

Hacía tiempo que no veía una película buena en el cine. Fui a ver Wanted porque me encanta James McAvoy, pero era malísima. También vi Quantum of Solace, que no estaba mal, pero tampoco es que fuera una película realmente prodigiosa. Eso sí, los trajes que llevaba 007 eran increíbles. Tom Ford era el que los diseñó, es un genio. Parecía que Daniel Craig hubiera nacido con el traje puesto. Le quedaban como un guante. Tom Ford me parece el diseñador más elegante ahora mismo. Puede que no me guste mucho su... manera de pensar, pero al menos no se ha convertido en una caricatura de sí mismo... (no miro a nadie, Karl)

Quantum of Solace

You really need to watch this film just to see the suits.
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Models into the wild

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No words to describe this editorial. Let the pictures speak. Now I want to attach flowers to my hair.

Russh Issue #26
Behati Prinsloo & Alyona Osmanova by Derek Henderson

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credit: rox_yr_sox

Thanks for your comments on the last post!
Also, thank you so much to Patricia from Style Influential, who made this image for me!
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Monday, December 22, 2008


I made some "I love" signs with all the things I love. I love more things, but 43 things were enough to post.

You can use them in ur blog, facebook or whatever. You can also suggest more things to love. Spread the love!

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The New York Times recommends Miss at la Playa!