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Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Sofia Coppola Formula: Similarities between "Somewhere" and "Lost in Translation"

As you may know, I'm a truly Sofia Coppola fan. I can watch her films over and over again, and it's always like the first time. When "Lost in Translation" was on the cinemas, I remember that my friends went to watch it and left the room after the first 20 minutes. They said it was terribly boring and slow. It wasn't until someone told me it wasn't boring at all that I watched it. And obviously, I loved it. It was an intimate story between two strangers, without Hollywood-esque tricks and plot twists. It was natural, real. Then she made "Marie Antoinette", an equally hated and loved film by the public. You either hate it or love it. It is one of my favourite films. The last Sofia Coppola film I watched was "The Virgin Suicides". The plot didn't appeal to me at all, but the characters were so well written that I can say that I liked the movie.

And now, a new Sofia's film is going to be released: "Somewhere"... I can't wait to watch it! People say that the plot is very similar to "Lost in Translation", and I must say that they are not wrong. "Somewhere" is about the relationship between a father and her daughter, they start as two strangers that want to know each other, just like Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray in "Lost in Translation"

Using the images of the "Somewhere" trailer and the whole movie of "Lost in translation", Sofiafan made this list of the similarities between both films. I asked if I could post it on the blog, and Sofiafan said yes. You'll be surprised.


Como ya sabréis, soy fan de Sofia Coppola. Puedo ver sus películas una y otra vez, y siempre parece como si fuera la primera vez. Cuando estrenaron en el cine "Lost in Translation", recuerdo que mis amigas fueron a verla y se salieron de la sala a los 20 minutos, diciendo que la película era insoportablemente aburrida y lenta. No fue hasta que alguien me dijo que no era aburrida para nada que me decidí a verla. Y obviamente, me encantó. Era una historia intimista entre dos desconocidos, sin los trucos de Hollywood y los típicos giros en el argumento. Era natural, real. Unos años después estrenó "Marie Antoinette", una amada y odiada película a partes iguales por el público. O te gusta, o la detestas. En mi caso, es una de mis películas favoritas. La última película de Sofia Coppola que vi fue "The Virgin Suicides". La historia no me atraía mucho, pero los personajes están tan bien construidos que puedo decir que me gustó la película.

Y ahora, una nueva película de Sofia se va a estrenar: "Somewhere"... ¡Qué ganas de verla! Dicen que el argumento es muy similar a "Lost in Translation", y debo admitir que no se equivocan. "Somewhere" trata sobre la relación entre un padre y su hija, que comienzan como dos desconocidos que quieren conocerse, igual que Scarlett Johansson y Bill Murray en "Lost in Translation".

Usando las imágenes del trailer de "Somewhere" y la película "Lost in Translation", Sofiafan ha hecho esta lista de los parecidos entre ambas películas. Me pareció una lista fantástica y sorprendente, así que le pedí permiso para publicarla en el blog.

Similarities between "Somewhere" and "Lost in Translation"
Girl looking out of the window of a car:

Man looking bored in bed:

Scene in a swimming pool:

Scene when the girl gets mad at the guy while they have lunch/dinner:

Main characters eating and drinking in bed while watching tv:

Guy surrounded by silliness of a foreign awards show/tv programme:

Man feeling ridiculous doing something required of an actor:

Main characters lounging around:

Two characters bonding in car:

Two characters playing Guitar Hero / doing karaoke:

Having fun running through hotel:

Escaping together in a taxi:

Guy walks away as girl falls asleep:

Girl leans head on shoulder:

Guy talking to ex on phone / guy talking to distant wife:

Cityscape + title:

view the full post here

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