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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Unlimited budget.... Where would you use it?

Imagine that just for one day you had an unlimited budget to invest in clothes, but only in one shop. Which shop would you choose? Chloé? Stella McCartney? Marc Jacobs? Urban Outfiters?

I think I would choose something like Saks, Harvey Nichols, Liberty's or Barneys, as they have lots of different clothes from various designers.


Si tuvierais un presupuesto ilimitado para ropa, pero sólo durante un día y en una única tienda... ¿Qué tienda elegiríais? Chloé? Stella McCartney? Marc Jacobs? Urban Outfiters?

Creo que yo elegiría unos grandes almacenes tipo Saks, Harvey Nichols, Liberty's o Barney, porque tienen muchísima ropa de diferentes diseñadores muy buenos.

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