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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

In your dreams, what do you wear?

scanned by diorette at TFS

I saw a commercial of Mercedes the other day on TV (probably during the break of a football match of the eurocup, the only commercials they show are for cars and beer, they know exactly what kind of people watch the football matches, lol) and I liked it, it said "In your dreams, what car do you drive?" (I've searched the video on youtube, but it seems that the english version is different), and I thought, well, and what do I wear in my dreams?
Lately I've been trying to see what I wear when I'm dreaming, but it is impossible, as you can't remember to have a look at the clothes you are wearing in your dream, as you are asleep, and if you knew you were dreaming, you would wake up, wouldn't you?
Who knows, maybe you are wearing something from the next Dior collection and you don't even know. Maybe we are wearing the new shape not designed yet. Maybe our style is totally different in our dreams.
Have you ever thought about it? You'll see, it is almost impossible to know.


El otro día vi un anuncio de Mercedes en la tele (seguramente que en el intermedio de algún partido de la eurocopa, porque lo único que anuncian en ese espacio son coches y cerveza, se ve que tienen muy claro el tpo de audiencia, jaja) que me gustó, era "Cuando sueñas, ¿qué coche conduces?", y empecé a pensar, bueno, y cuando sueño, ¿qué ropa llevo?
He intentado fijarme, pero es imposible porque cuando sueñas no te puedes acordar, sino sabrías que estás soñando y te despertarías, ¿no? Quién sabe, a lo mejor llevamos algo de la siguiente colección de Dior y ni siquiera nos damos cuenta. A lo mejor llevamos la nueva silueta por descubrir. A lo mejor nuestro estilo es totalmente distinto en nuestros sueños.
¿Lo habéis pensado alguna vez? Intentadlo, ya veréis que es casi imposible.

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