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Thursday, September 30, 2010

The work behind a fashion production

Elle UK is one of my favourite magazines. I read the issues several times every month, and I enjoy their good taste in fashion mixed with their classic english humour. They always do a feature in which they talk about the making of the issue, using numbers. It's both fun and surprising. You can't imagine all the work behind an editorial, how many people have worked together, the money needed...

They just launched their 25th Anniversary issue (October), with Kate Hudson on the cover (it seems like Kate is an Elle UK staple), and the usual "by the numbers" article is very interesting and fun. You can view the editorial here.

For the cover and main editorial...
  • 17 pizzas were devoured by Team Elle
  • 12 members of Elle crew making it happen
  • 1015 frames shot by photographer, Ben Hasset
  • 4 shades of Chanel eyeshadow used for Kate's cover look
  • 100 minutes spent creating Kate's make-up
  • 10 layers of extensions added to Kate's hair
  • 35 pairs of crystal-encrusted party shoes in size 7
  • 5 bottles of rosé wine drank by Team Elle and Kate
  • 8 days spent creating ideas and moodboards
  • 39 dresses hanging on Kate's Elle rail
  • 12 minutes spent by Kate in the pool in a Cavalli dress

For the whole issue...

  • 3 months from comission to printing
  • 24 suitcases carried through airports
  • 12 red pens used by Editor Lorraine Candy
  • 416 cocktails consumed researching the bar guide
  • 36 shades of red lipstick sampled
  • 25 moodboards
  • 119 editorial meetings
  • 247 shows attended
  • 653 cups of coffee
  • 350 tonnes of paper
  • 185 nails bitten
  • 689 post-it notes
  • 960 trips to the courier room
  • 10000+ samples called in
  • 34049 air miles
  • 1 office mouse, Clarence, spotted

Everything has to look perfect, that's fashion. Any flaw is erased, edited, and photoshopped until it is how it should be. Fair play?

What we see...

What it was...

(click to view larger and read the notes)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

True Women: Sheila Márquez (Part I)

sheila marquez

This year, I've seen Sheila more beautiful than ever. Everyone agreed. Apart from the beauty that she exudes, she always has a smile for you. That's why the next chapter of the "True Women" series is dedicated to her. She's an exceptional model, a good person... And has amazing style! She combines layers and layers of clothes, mixes different colours... With the newyorker touch that looks great on her. In fact, she said that she'd like to be an stylist after her modelling career. I'm sure she'd be very successful. Stay tuned!


Este año he visto a Sheila más guapa que nunca. Todo el mundo lo comentaba. Aparte de la belleza que irradia, siempre tiene una sonrisa para ti. Es por esto que el próximo capítulo de las "True Women" esté dedicado a ella. Es una modelo excepcional, buena persona... ¡Y tiene un estilo increíble! Combina capas y capas de ropa de maneras totalmente excepcionales, mezcla colores... Con el toque neoyorquino que le sienta a la perfección. De hecho, dijo que le gustaría ser estilista después de su carrera como modelo. Seguro que le iría fenomenal. ¡No os perdáis el siguiente post con más fotos de los looks de Sheila!

sheila marquez sheila marquez
With Chrystian Brylle (her boyfriend?)

sheila marquez
sheila marquez
sheila marquez
sheila marquez
sheila marquez
sheila marquez
sheila marquez
sheila marquez
It was her birthday!

sheila marquez

credits: crushmetender.blogspot fashionmag headpress tp:// artandcommerce

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Best (free) Fashion iPad Applications


When I first heard about the iPad, I thought it was another useless gadget for Apple geeks. I swore I would never buy it. But weeks later, someone gave it to me as a present. And I instantly saw what all the fuss was about. The definition of the screen is amazing, the multitouch is magical, and there are so many applications that I've almost reached the limit of apps the iPad allows. It's so good checking the news on the sofa and reading emails on the iPad, and long trips are not so long with the games I've installed.

There are lots of applications, but not all of them are good. I've installed tons and deleted many, so I felt I had to make a post about the best (free) fashion iPad applications. I still have some doubts about several magazine applications. I think it's not reasonable that the digital edition of the magazines cost the same as the print ones. Maybe they are right, we don't pay for the paper, we pay for the contents. But it's still not clear.

The app of the magazine, but it doesn't offer the magazine itself. You can watch short films made for LOVE, making of's... The layout of the application is so cute!

2. Modelinia
Lots of videos featuring models, being interviewed, talking about their lives... Excellent content!


3. 'S Max Mara
You can check their latest collection, play rubik's cube and win a trip to Milan... I tried to solve it but I have no patience! Fun and entertaining.


4. Gucci
You can watch the show via livestream, check their latest collections, view special content... And create a beat! There's also a very interesting travel guide with the most exclusive places on Earth. Wanna know a good restaurant in Cannes? This is your app.

5. Style
If Vogue is the fashion bible, is the digital edition. The application is really good, lots of videos, runway previews, party pictures, interviews...



6. Interview
You can read the latest issue of the magazine for free! I still don't know if it's the full edition, but you can flick through its pages and read the interviews and see the editorials.


7. Zara
Zara has always been not so-online friendly, they don't do much advertising... But things are changing. With the launch of their online store (at last!), they've made a quite good iPad application in which you can purchase Zara items, and watch making of' videos.

8. Dazed & Confused
Read ALL the issues for FREE!! It's Heaven, right?

9. Net-a-porter
You can have the online store for iPad, but also the Net-á-porter magazine, which is quite good.

10. Elle Italia

Elle is the magazine with more applications that I've seen. They have shopping guides, cooking recipes... Elle Italia offers the digital edition of every issue. The current issue is 2,99€, and the previous month's issue is for free.

11. Grazia
The italian version of Grazia, all issues for free!


12. Glamour US
It's not for free sadly... :(

Made for iPhone...
Vanity Fair Trivia: Movie Madness
There's only one thing that I love as much as I love fashion... Movies! The combination of Vanity Fair and a movie trivia is simply awesome. Beware, the questions are difficult!
PS: Graydon Carter's face in the game is hilarious.

The "what I wear" features, the catalogue, and the online shop. There's also a fun game in which you can create your own outfits with Mango items, but there are not enough items available and it gets boring.


The Sartorialist
A fan made this application that simply shows his pictures. Good if you want The Sartorialist's pics with you all the time.


Elle France

The french version of Elle. It offers fashion, beauty, politics, and art news. There's an Agenda application that tells you all the fashion events, music gigs... They also have quiz&tests, but you have to pay in order to take them.


Elle US
A very useful shopping guide of the main cities (NY, London, Paris...).


My little Paris
One of the best Paris guides (check the website). The most exclusive addresses, beatiful plans...


Sunday, September 26, 2010

What you'll see in H&M in a few weeks

On thursday I went to the press presentation of the H&M pieces that will be sold in winter (in stores in november-december). I fell in love with so many items that I have to run to the shop as soon as they are for sale! Or I'll forget about them... This post will serve as a "to-buy" list. Most of the pieces are less than 30€.

El jueves fui a la presentación para prensa de las prendas de H&M que veremos en las tiendas en invierno (noviembre-diciembre). Me encantaron tantas prendas que voy a tener que correr al H&M más cercano tan pronto como se pongan a la venta! O me olvidaré de ellas... Este post servirá como una lista de "cosas que comprar". Según me dijeron, los precios están muy bien. Muchos de los vestidos que veis en las fotos no superan los 30€.

Look at that leather skirt!

all photographs by me